Jetzt spenden

Jede Spende hilft und geht zu 100% an in Not geratene Tiroler Familien. Alle Ausgaben für Verwaltung, Druckkosten, Porti etc. übernimmt die Privatbrauerei Zillertal Bier.

Im Namen der unterstützen Familien bedanken wir uns jetzt schon sehr herzlich für Ihre Spende!

Unser Spendenkonto:
IBAN: AT48 3622 9000 0033 5034

Welcome to Zillertal Bier -
Please confirm that you are over 16 years old
Unfortunately you are still too young - we look forward to your visit as soon as you are old enough!
As a private brewery, we take our responsibility to protect young people seriously and advocate the responsible use of alcoholic beverages within the framework of legal regulations. On the following pages you will find advertising information about alcoholic beverages. Please confirm that you are over 16 years old. By confirming you also accept the use of cookies. Further information can be found in our privacy policy.